Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

Private Car Insurance and Two Wheeler Insurance in India

There are different types of Auto Insurance in India :

Private Car Insurance – In the Auto Insurance in India, Private Car Insurance is the fastest growing sector as it is compulsory for all the new cars. The amount of premium depends on the make and value of the car, state where the car is registered and the year of manufacture.

Two Wheeler Insurance – The Two Wheeler Insurance under the Auto Insurance in India covers accidental insurance for the drivers of the vehicle. The amount of premium depends on the current showroom price multiplied by the depreciation rate fixed by the Tariff Advisory Committee at the time of the beginning of policy period.

Visit : Car Insurance

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

Cara Budidaya Tanaman Hias Anyelir Untuk Pemula - Jual Bibit

Habitat budidaya
Perlu diketahui anyelir tumbuh disuhu antara 15 sampai 25 derajal celcius. Namun, suhu yang paling bagus atau ideal adalah 20 hingga 30 celcius.
Maka tanaman ini hanya bisa tumbuh di dataran tinggi yang berada 1200 meter diatas permukaan laut.
Sehingga jika tanaman ini ditanam diluar wilayah sub tropis, tidak akan tumbuh sempurna atau bahkan mati.

Visit : Jual Bibit